Yes. How much of every health care dollar is spent on insurance company bureaucracy? 33 cents! Beyond outrageous! Health care is a human right not a a commodity to bought like Cheetos. Speaking of which, the left going on about the “good” things RFK Jr supports, like taking on the ultraprocessed food industry, masks his bizarre and harmf…
Yes. How much of every health care dollar is spent on insurance company bureaucracy? 33 cents! Beyond outrageous! Health care is a human right not a a commodity to bought like Cheetos. Speaking of which, the left going on about the “good” things RFK Jr supports, like taking on the ultraprocessed food industry, masks his bizarre and harmful views. Of course anyone who can read reviews of the recent studies on soda and ultraprocessed food would take that stand. We must stop this pandering to the right and supporting media that sanewashes and downplays the fascism blossoming like toxic weeds across the country.
Yes. How much of every health care dollar is spent on insurance company bureaucracy? 33 cents! Beyond outrageous! Health care is a human right not a a commodity to bought like Cheetos. Speaking of which, the left going on about the “good” things RFK Jr supports, like taking on the ultraprocessed food industry, masks his bizarre and harmful views. Of course anyone who can read reviews of the recent studies on soda and ultraprocessed food would take that stand. We must stop this pandering to the right and supporting media that sanewashes and downplays the fascism blossoming like toxic weeds across the country.