Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Margaret Sullivan

I'm sorry to hear about your case of Covid. It's similar to my case in August 2022. Mild, loss of sense of taste and smell, but both of them came back.

I love your choices, but I would also add mine: the few remaining journalists (including yourself) who do the work of 10 people and get little credit for their work.

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Jan 5Liked by Margaret Sullivan

I agree about the distortion. Last week, Friday felt like a Saturday, which was then followed by 3 Sundays in a row. I applaud your choice for “Person of the Year”. Now “on with the show” for all of us, hopefully keeping in mind the courage and resilience of Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.

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Welcome back.

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Jan 5Liked by Margaret Sullivan

Thanks for all you do, Ms. Sullivan. I also have Covid (2nd time). Like my first, it's basically a mild - very mild - cold. A little congestion and some fatigue, no other symptoms. Glad you were also spared as most of the folks I know had much worse symptoms. Happy New Year - and my wish for the year is that the rest of the media would listen to you and stop acting like Trump (and his party) are normal folks and that the upcoming election is just a normal election and not an existential fight b/t democracy and authoritarianism. :(

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Jan 5Liked by Margaret Sullivan

Why isn’t there a fuller understanding that if Trump gets elected (and I’m assuming that will only be possible because of the electoral college - how is this still possible in a democracy when majority is supposed to rule - understanding that everyone should have a voice and be treated fairly) there won’t be a “next election” that is free and fair? The ability to speak out will be over and the prevailing fear that has already been instilled in the RIGHT both MAGA and never-MAGAS will blanket all of us. The freedoms that we take for granted as Americans will be gone. I know people are paying attention but between those that aren’t and the efforts by others to cheat, lie and manipulate the system I fear we won’t be able to overcome those forces.

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Could not agree more with your choice of people of the year Margaret. My wife and I watch. on YouTube, the nightly Stephen Colbert monologue and Seth Myers "A closer look" segment religiously The ones that followed the awarding of the payments were ones we were really holding out for. The sheer delight of the hosts and their respective audiences was something we both shared with them. What baffles me about about high profile supporters of the most recent former president is their capacity for double-think. In face of all the examples of how everyone in his inner circle end up being prosecuted or just falling from grace: why does anyone think it is worth publicly supporting him????

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I'm so sorry you got Covid. Glad it's fairly mild. I haven't had it yet that I know of.

It does seem like Trump lost some followers after 1/6. I don't know that he has enough people to win a general election. But, I'm afraid Biden/the Democrats will screw this up somehow. I can't watch any video of Trump, but it sounds like he's losing his faculties a bit. What a shame that some in the media go the 'Trump is crazy, but Biden is old" route in making that false equivalency. I strongly believe corporate media is helping to keep Trump's candidacy alive by normalizing his behavior because his craziness is good for ratings. I would include the main Republican candidates in that. I get that they have to cover them, but there has to be a better way to cover people who are lying than simply presenting what they say.

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